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We are excited to be adding Boxing back to our Studio timetable!

Our 9 week term program is OPEN to all levels!

Starts Wed 26th April, 2023.

6:20-6:40pm (Beginner/refresher group starts)

6:40-7:35pm (Open - all levels)

Beginners or those refreshing on skills will arrive early each week (until confident) to go through hand wrapping, foot work, basic punches and more before joining the open group at 6:40pm. 

Each boxer will be partnered with another fellow recruit of a similar level.

This means experienced boxers with experienced boxers and newbies paired with other newbies.

Once the experienced boxers have been given their instructions from Lisa, She'll then stick with the beginners to guide them the whole way!

This 55 min Boxing sesh will include all your fav punches - jabs, hooks, body shots and upper cuts as well as some fun and simple combo's and a little core work if time permits!

With safety and technique at the forefront, all recruits will wrap their hands prior to the session - therefore arriving 5 minutes early is a must!

Wearing a facemask is optional, as is choosing to shadow box or jump onto our bags if you prefer.

You will need:

Boxing wraps (available to purchase with us for $10).

Byo: Towel + drink bottle.

Byo: Mat, gloves and pads if you have them, otherwise we can provide them for you.

Trainer: Lisa

New recruits, please fill in our online health screen before attending.


Back in 2009 head trainer Lisa would occasionally add boxing to her Pink Training sessions. With such a strong focus on technique, Lisa  decided that by adding Pink Boxing to the timetable - separately, her recruits could learn to box properly, with correct technique, mastering stances, punches, combo’s and more. Teaching real technique means women can avoid injury and feel confident that they’re learning the real deal.

Alternative Women’s Fitness was launched in 2012 by Sabina Turner (Lisa's sister). AWF adopting the Pink Boxing and Pink Training concepts due to their popularity soon took Boxing to the next level - literally. By introducing Pink Boxing classes for beginners, intermediates and the advanced, it meant that recruits could start with no experience and move up when ready.

Since Covid, we obviously had to make some changes, but are now proud to be offering Boxing both online with Sab and now back IRL with Lisa at Pink HQ.

© 2024  by Authentic Women

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