4on1 PT session 45 MIN
A re-vamped popular fav returning after covid!
These sessions will usually have a wait list, so get in quick!
After undergoing an extensive goals and injury screening, each individual will be provided with a custom warm up (including stretching, cardio, mobility and foam rolling exercises), custom stretching (including at-home stretching program) as well as specific strength exercises designed around the individual injuries and goals.
Much more cost effective than a 1 on 1 PT, yet with the added bonus of more 1 on 1 attention compared to our larger group sessions.
Suitable for: All fitness/strength levels and most injuries.
You will need: Bring your workbook, sweat towel/mat towel and drink bottle.
Trainer: Head Trainer Authentic Women Lisa
Studio only session.
Shake-a-licious! 45 MIN
If dance moves were snacks, this simple BUT sassy watch + follow dance sesh will soon become your fav weekly treat!
Enjoy an awesome mash-up of dance styles, shaking it back-to-back to a delicious mix of song choices!
Song requests welcome!
Suitable for: All fitness + co-ordination levels welcome.
You will need: Sweat towel + drink bottle. Shoes with low grip recommended or + socks/bare feet.
Trainer: Meggs
Zoom or Studio available!
Sizzle Town! 20 MIN
Enjoy a mash-up of random cardio moves to a fun and inspiring playlist each week!
No chorey, although the moves will totally be supplied, they are in fact just suggestions and completely optional!
This means you are encouraged to feel the music, move to the beat and go completely rogue!
Low impact alternatives will always be on offer.
Y'all know Lisa is the queen of options (and random made up, funny, laugh out loud moves too!)
Each move is timed, so you can go at your own pace.
Suitable for: All fitness levels + most injuries!
You will need: A sweat towel, low grip shoes, drink bottle and an "anything goes/just go with it attitude!"
Trainer: Head Trainer Authentic Women Lisa
Zoom or Studio available!
Are you ready to embrace getting Shhweaty!
This is an all standing, 100 % low impact cardio session with 'no jumping' EVER!
How do we get the heart rate up if we are moving slower you ask?
Simple! - By using small hand weights!
And! The best part about using hand weights at the same time is that you get in an extra arm workout!
We use a fun and inspiring playlist each week where you are encouraged to feel and move to the beat.
Each move is timed, so your are free to go at your own pace.
Is this session like Sizzle Town? Hmm, yes and no. Let's say they are more like cousins than siblings!
Sweat Party will feature some of your favourite Sizzle moves, BUT to slower tracks + of course with the use of hand weights.
Suitable for: All fitness levels + most injuries!
You will need: Small hand weights (nothing over 2kg) or pantry tins, a sweat towel, low grip shoes, drink bottle and an "anything goes/just go with it attitude!"
Trainer: Head Trainer Authentic Women Lisa
Zoom or Studio available!
Roll + Stretch 35 MIN Express
Live Stream or Studio (All welcome).
In this roll + stretch chill sesh, you can expect to leave feeling looser, freer + relaxed.
Lisa will guide you through:
Full body stretches (using a towel, mat + chair)
Rolling techniques designed to unlock tight muscles and increase your range of movement
As well as Incorporating neural gliding techniques to help release trapped nerves.
You will need:
A 90cm foam roller (available for purchase or loan with us)
A chair (preferably with a back)
Full length towel to lay on or mat
Extra full length towel or theraband for stretching
Trigger ball, spikey ball or tennis ball (Trigger balls available for purchase with us).
Wear: Anything comfy, bare feet or warm socks.
Trainer: Head Trainer Lisa
Love weights? Yeah don't put me down for cardio... haha
This weights-based class will build your strength like nothing else!
Building muscle strength is great for bone, heart and overall health, especially for women!
LIFT is all about lifting with technique BANG ON whether it’s LiFTING with weights or body weight and not giving up when you feel the “burn”!
Lisa will include exercises for all ya bits and don’t worry, you won’t leave this session looking like a “body builder”, but you'll finish feeling STRONG AS!
Join us sisters who LIFT, PUSH IT like Salt n Pepa and enjoy PUMPING IT to some inspiring tunes.
Suitable for: Most levels welcome. Lisa will need to know about injuries WAY in advance, coz she loves to plan special options for everyone!
Numbers are capped to ensure you LIFT in a safe and fun way.
You will need: Chair/bench (something to kneel/balance on. Mat (or comfy rug) and 2 sets of dumbbells -1 heavy, 1 light.
Barbells or kettlebells may also be used! Defining what is heavy or light for everyone is tricky, but essentially you want to feel challenged during your workout! If you're not sure you can always discuss with Lisa prior to booking!
Dress warm so you can shed those layers and PLEASE wear SNEAKERS!
Trainer: Head Trainer Authentic Women Lisa
Live Stream or Studio - Lisa
Live Stream Only - Sab
This entire session dedicated to exercises designed to specifically target + tone your bum + legs!
This is a strength only session, with minimal cardio apart from a warm up!
Suitable for: All fitness levels and most injuries with plenty of low impact options available.
You will need: A mat/towel or rug to lay/kneel on and booty band recommended but not essential.
Trainer: Head Trainer Authentic Women Lisa
Zoom or Studio available!
Pink Training (Since 2009) 45 MIN
Our first ever class on the timetable! This group personal training class will target + tone every muscle group in your body combined with creative cardio options to get your heart rate pumping! Individual, partner work and all in team challenges will keep you motivated and make you laugh!
This session has been going for 14 years for a reason. Recruits love that its never the same workout. Some session formats may involve hiit, games, circuits, free weights, balance, shadow boxing, unco-aerobics, watch + follow and more!
Suitable for: Most levels and injuries.
You will need: All equipment provided.
Trainer: Head Trainer Authentic Women Lisa
Studio only session.
Yoga (Camera Optional) 45 MIN (More info coming soon)