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For program dates: 7 Oct - 16 Dec, 2024.

Can't commit to the full term?

This is our NEW pay as you go, casual pass option!

Perfect for those travelling or with funny work hours!

Please note: Commiting to a 10 week term isn't as daunting as you think!

For starters the session price comes down to $16, your studio place gauranteed, unlimited make-up sessions on offer - PLUS the option to zoom if needed - you can't lose! We've even had members transfer their make up sessions to a friend or family member. 

Still wanna go casual? No probs!
Some things you should know:

These passes cannot be refunded or credited for any reason regardless of cancellation notice given.

Your casual pass is to be purchased prior to attending.

Studio numbers can be tight - so please text Lisa on 0410686819 to check their is space. If you are Zooming - we have plentry of room!

If this is your first session with us - WELCOME!

Please fill in our online forms. Go to:

You will receive more details after booking either via email or phone/text.

We look forward to shaking it with you!


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